
Musical instrument to accompany children

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Musical instrument to accompany children



Percussion plays both logical and figurative thinking skills. When babies learn, most of their knowledge belongs to the field of logical thinking. Only music belongs to the figurative thinking. Baby learning musical instruments can improve the thinking ability of the image, to a large extent prevent the waste of the two thinking skills, which is good for the baby's intellectual development.

      Children's percussion instrument manufacturers improve the image thinking level of babies. Even disciplines such as architecture, calligraphy, and music belong to both the arts and thinking areas. It is equally different when you look deeper. Images, such as architecture and calligraphy, belong to deterministic image thinking, because they are fixed shapes and cannot be changed. But the music played by the instrument can only be realized by the baby, and it is difficult to say clearly what kind of music it is. Therefore, the status of music in the scope of image thinking cannot be surpassed.



Music can educate children. Music itself has a cultivating ability. It can unknowingly infect children's thoughts and characters, while allowing children to perceive and practice beauty while learning music. The child is in a beautiful environment, which will help him develop a beautiful heart and affection.

     Hank percussion instruments, music is very suitable for children's music, Hank percussion music education system is one of the three world-renowned and influential music education systems. The principle of Hank's music education is the original music education. The original music is closely combined with movement, dance, and language; it is a kind of music that people must participate by themselves, that is, people do not participate as listeners, but as performers; it precedes intelligence, it does not need What a large form, no structure; it brings a small sequence form, fixed tone and small Rondo form. The original music is close to the soil, natural, organic, and can be learned and experienced by everyone, which is suitable for children.

     With the development of science, art has become more and more divided, but music does not exist in a single form. It is not simply singing with your mouth or listening with your ears. It is a comprehensive art that can sing and dance Playing with an instrument. What is the original music? The original music is by no means pure music, it is closely combined with movement and dance language. This is the original condition of human beings, which is primitive and close to the human soul. Therefore, it can be said that music is a comprehensive art.


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